Tuesday, 18 May 2010


The Race in Deinze
Well ok

May the 8th, a Saturday I raced. In the end after 120km the race was still together after minus a few guys up the road, it ended in a massive scrap for the line. I am starting to feel good now, have a good bit of training behind me which included a wee strength block, and believe it or not i think it worked. So 31st in that race and while i was i a break pulled a massive 7 euro for a prime.

May the 9th, a Sunday. Some might be at church, some might be hung over or like me you were at a bike race. This one was in a place called Laarne. 120ks or so, I raced this because I was feeling good yesterday. I dont usually race twice a weekend, but being a dangerous boy that i am, i did just that, that i s race twice.
Ok so finally a break went and boom, i wasn't in it, so i tried to get across, but i got a bad case 80 kilometeritis and i started to get angry and go alone, i nearly made it one one attempt, but after about 5 solo attempts nothing was happening so after 50km of trying I never made it and resorted to the peleton.
I jumped the bunch with 2 ks to go and got 14th, so better than yesterday.

May the 11th, it's a Tuesday and my rest day. It would be a happy day. But there is a problem, when I woke up I realised that my throat had re-inflamed itself, so off to the doc straight away, they took a swab and i go the same anti biotics as the first time. So Its not the best thing to happen(again) but its life.

May the 13th, a Thursday. Thursdays are just another weekday really. But today there was a race. In Deinze, my adopted home town. It was 120ks and for U23's or young skux's if you like. I got in the move today. I think that went after about 45ks. I was quite happy to do this and went for all the primes i could while i was in the break. However i was told there was a prime every lap, so i went for 5, and got those 5, or so i thought. In the end there was only a prime every 2nd lap. Mean while im going for these sprints, not making the most mates in the process. But oh well. OK back to the race, we got caught with maybe 3 laps to go, there were about 9 guys and 4 were working solid in the break. So i tryed a few more attacks, but in hind sight(the wonderfull thing that it is) i should have just rested and saved it for one attack or the sprint.
With about 1.5ks to go they ramped it up fast and i was in a shit position, going into the perfectly placed round about with 500 to go i was about 20th and pulled up to 6th in the finish. So that race, happy to mix it up in the race but learn't a lesson in positioning here.

May the 16th, a Sunday. Anti Biotics are finished and its race day again. 120ks U23 in Pittem(the pits). Was feeling really good, rode up to a few guys and it turned into the break of the day. About 9 guys to start with, this time i joined in on the prime policy and not being "that guy" who takes them all and no mates again type thing. So it was solid riding for for the first 60 or so ks, then again when the break split again down to 4 now. Anyway down to the last few laps with a Qin rider(conti team), a Davo rider(pharma lotto feeder) and another fellow who purchased himself the race.
So with 1 and a half laps of 6km to go, Davo and purchaser went up the road, i got with them and the Qin rider did'nt quite make it, then Purchaser hit it again and the Davo rider just sat on me. I soon realised what was going on, so i just rode and stayed away from the chaser, Davo beat me in the sprint by a few lengths. I was a bit gutted to not get the win at my first chance of it, but when you have guys teaming up and paying cash it makes it that bit harder.

Thats Purchaser in the blue

The finish.

May the 18th, its Tuesday. Trained today, with an SRM i am borrowing for a bit, I hav'nt used one for a few months so it was quite fun. I have just written this. Race an Inter club on Sunday they are rather big about 30 or more teams with 6 riders each. Form has come up well so I am looking forward to it.
Home life is good with my family here, they are fun and really nice and treat me way to well.
I did see my dog on skype the other night, which was cool. She said hi.
Weather is on the up, sunny and I think today was 18, so getting up there.
Im going for a bit of tea now.

This is salad, my host family produce 10,000 a day.

Nelly, my Dog

1 comment:

  1. Hey mate, this is Nigel, your quasi cuz in Prague. Good luck for the season. I might be heading to Belgium sometime in the next few months to pick up some stuff, It's be cool to meet. Email is robinsonnigelj@gmail.com. Of course you are welcome to visit Prague anytime as well. (no need to publish this comment, I just wanted to make contact)
